Mark’s Musings – May 15, 2019

Mark Fortune
Another year of the Coshocton County Relay for Life has wrapped up with over $50,000 raised in the fight against cancer. To call cancer an evil scourge would probably not be harsh enough for the many that have been affected by this disease. And who hasn’t been impacted in one way or another? Cancer seems to have no age limit, no capacity for demographic profile, income, occupation or dare I say, even faith. It attacks with no mercy. The statistics would tell you that we are winning this battle slowly but surely. But this brings little comfort to those and their families that are affected daily with a new diagnosis or a recurring diagnosis. All we can do is keep fighting, raising awareness and praying. Those with cancer and their caregivers are truly heroes and deserve no less than our very best.
To all those that had a team, participated in the Relay, bought a candy bar, contributed to a Main Street bucket brigade fundraiser, made a cake, spent the time and energy being a team captain, walking around the track, being a caregiver or helping in any way deserve our thanks.
The Boy Scouts were there, auctioneer Shawn Dostie auctioned items on Friday evening, A-1 Tree Service brought their truck for the golf ball drop, Millfork Valley 4-H Club gathered up the cans of food, etc. from the luminaria service and so many, many more contributed so much to make this event possible and a success for our community. And what can we say about the Model Railroaders, who kindly opened the doors to their restrooms at the fairgrounds for Relay participants. Thank You!
The host site, our very own Coshocton County Fairgrounds, is a great place to have an event like this and we are so fortunate to be able to have such a beautiful place to hold events like the Relay. Thanks to those that keep the fairgrounds in shape.
What’s coming up next in the community? The weeklong festivities and wonderful music of the Dogwood Festival is now in the past as are all three high school proms. Graduation and the end of the school year are almost upon us. To another graduating class we say, “Congratulations and best wishes!” We only want the best for all of you.
You could hop in the car and take a little trip up to New Bedford this week for New Bedford Days – which is in full swing all week and ends on Saturday, May 18.
It is a wonderful time of year to call Coshocton County home as the beauty of spring is in full swing – yes, many of the flowering shrubs have already turned green and are headed into their summer clothing so to speak.
Several events are coming up on the calendar – the Hot Air Balloon Festival is just around the corner and the Indian Mud Run returns in late June. To those that make these events possible, we say Thanks!
The Indians don’t seem content with just going away this season as they continue to win some games despite a lack of hitting prowess and injuries. Time will tell and moves by the organization at the All-Star break – which as most of you know by now, is in Cleveland – will send a message where the powers at be think the club can end up for the 2019 season. The Pirates are moving in the right direction and even the Reds are showing signs of life in the very tough and competitive National League central division.
Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion