Mark’s Musings – May 16, 2018

Mark Fortune
A precious, intelligent and beautiful young woman beloved by our community lost her battle with cancer on Friday, May 11. A moment of silence was held during the opening ceremony of the 24th annual Coshocton County Relay for Life in a fitting tribute to a life cut short here on earth but a life that will live for eternity in heaven.
Michaela Elson was 24 years old, a 2012 graduate of River View High School, Ohio University Zanesville and an elementary school teacher in the New Philadelphia School District. She was a member of the Coshocton Christian Tabernacle where she was involved with the youth.
Michaela followed in her mom Diane’s footsteps as an elementary school teacher and there is no doubt that she had a huge impact on the lives of the children entrusted to her teaching. That’s just the way she was raised and lived her life.
While many will know the story, some may not. You see, Michaela’s mom Diane lost her own battle with cancer in January 2013. Both mother and daughter fought a courageous and tenacious fight, smiling and laughing and praying along the way as they endured treatments, bad news from the doctors and the inevitable while still holding out for a miracle as they were surrounded by love and prayers from family and friends both near and far.
There was something special about Michaela. She had a sense of humor that could turn any serious moment into one of laughter and an inner strength that you might not see, but you knew was present and could rise up at any moment to help a friend or a cause in need.
To say that Michaela had faith would be a huge understatement. To say that she just loved children would be wrong. She adored them. She had the faith of a mountain and that faith shined forth throughout her ordeal against cancer. Cancer itself is the exact opposite of this wonderful young woman. Beauty, courage, faith and perseverance, these are all words that ring true with the battle that Michaela fought.
When she lost her leg to cancer and was fitted with a prosthesis she made rapid progress. In fact, so much so that she recovered faster than anyone expected or that the therapists had seen to that point. For those that knew Michaela that came as no surprise. “That’s just Michaela”, people said. Very true. She did things well.
4-H, especially 4-H Camp Ohio, mission trips with her church, helping her dad Mike deal with the loss of his wife and her mother, her church, llamas and the Kamelid Kushers and the Coshocton County Fair were all things that Michaela loved and enjoyed.
When she spoke at the Coshocton County Fellowship of Christian Athletes event held earlier this year and announced to everyone there that her cancer had returned and was terminal, she told the kids her story with humor and grace. You would expect nothing less.
Michaela Elson was truly a gift from above. Those who knew her are better for it. Michaela may have lost the fight against cancer but she won the battle in life that counts the most. She will be greatly missed, always remembered and forever loved.
Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion