Mark’s Musings – May 2, 2018

Mark Fortune
Now we are full speed into spring! Yards are being mowed, flowers are blooming and leaves are beginning to emerge. It is a wonderful time to live in Coshocton County.
Soon it will be time to till the soil for a garden as farmers are already into planting as the earth dries out from the recent downpours.
Late April and early May bring several events to the community like the just concluded Coshocton Community Choir spring concert held on Sunday, the terrific performance of Shrek at River View High School, the upcoming play at the Triple Locks Theater and of course, the Dogwood Festival at the court square. It is truly a great time to live in Coshocton County.
From all of us here at The Coshocton County Beacon we want to thank you for supporting our publication for 10 years. Throughout that time we have made every effort to find the positive in Coshocton County through words and photos. We don’t always hit the mark but you can be confident in knowing that we are always seeking ways to make improvements in how we cover and publish local events in the pages of The Beacon.
Anyone that doesn’t think there is an improving atmosphere of positivity in Coshocton County hasn’t picked up a copy of The Beacon recently. Each issue is full of stories about the people and happenings that make this a great place to live, work and raise a family.
Articles about our youth could occupy page after page of the positive. Today’s young people are engaged in their community and care about others despite what you might hear from the national media outlets. Ignore them. They don’t see the picture as clearly as all of us can here in our smaller communities.
Ten years. There are days when all of us here at The Beacon, whether our most veteran employee or our newest team member, wonder where the time goes. As we all do. It is a common phrase heard today. And perhaps always has been. The past 10 years has been filled with thousands of opportunities for us to tell the story of Coshocton County. We always try to do our best and will continue striving to do our best while also seeking ways to improve.
There have been significant changes in how the news is shared over the past 10 years from digital to social media to vast transformations in the media landscape across the globe. The team at The Beacon has embraced these changes and will continue to do so for our readers and advertisers.
Yet, despite all of the technological changes our print product remains a vibrant part of the community and our readership continues to grow weekly. We have many to thank. We have many to appreciate.
This community has been good to us. We hope that we are good for the community. We hope that for each of you, The Coshocton County Beacon is a trusted and valued part of your week that you look forward to. That is our goal. Thank you for allowing us to deliver the positive each week.
Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion