Mark’s Musings – May 23, 2018

Mark Fortune
To say that May is a busy month would be a vast understatement. I think it is the busiest when you consider graduations, graduation celebrations and the true beginning of outdoor activities and work in our part of Ohio.
You can mow the yard more than once a week – and some do – work on your flower garden, landscaping, or vegetable garden. Many have them in. Farmers are working hard to get the crops planted and here and there you can see tiny green shoots coming through the soil. Corn! You have to enjoy this time of year when, following a long, hard winter the earth comes alive in Coshocton County with the green of trees and the reds, pinks and purples of spring foliage in full bloom. Beautiful.
Then you move on to our area youth that are still involved in spring sports – softball, baseball, track, tennis and more. Dance classes are winding down for the summer. Parents are thinking about summer and care for the kids. Sometimes it is not an easy transition from school to days without structure or a schedule.
The River View girls’ softball team is in the regional tournament – way to go Lady Black Bears! The Lady Bears are taking on Granville at Pickerington in the regional semi-final on Wednesday, May 23 at 2 pm after winning the district final over St. Clairsville -1 to 0. Way to go Lady Bears! Many of these young ladies have played softball together for many years and their hard work, coaching and skills are paying dividends at a high level.
And how ‘bout the Ridgewood Generals boys baseball team? The Generals are in the regional semi-final against Fredericktown playing this Thursday, May 24 at Mount Vernon High School at 5 p.m. Good luck Generals!
Several athletes are moving on to the regional level of track after a very successful outing at the district meets held this past week and weekend. Congratulations and good luck to all area track athletes that are moving to the next level and our compliments to all on a great season!
The Cavaliers are into game four tonight (Monday) after tromping on the Celtics in game three taking a big win. The Warriors dominated Houston in game three of their series and are now up 2-1. Somewhat surprised about that but I guess you can’t ever count the Warriors out – just like the Cavs. The Cavs will win game four and tie the series all up.
Did you make it to “Bridges Over Madison County” at the Triple Locks Theater? I have heard from numerous people that it was absolutely fantastic and the music was terrific. In fact, many people commented that – “We have such incredibly talented people here in Coshocton County”. We do indeed. And let’s be thankful that they are willing to make the sacrifices necessary to practice and perform for the rest of us. Thank you!
And speaking of local talent, the same compliments go to all of those that performed at the Dogwood Festival. Five days of incredible young talent from our schools that readily share their gifts with us. Thank you!
Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion