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Mark’s Musings – May 29, 2019

| May 28, 2019

Mark Fortune

With the passing of Memorial Day we start into summer – and although not officially here yet – we seem to recognize the beginning of summer as the end of another school year, the opening of pools and the firing up of barbecue grills.

I do hope you had the opportunity to attend a high school graduation and give best wishes to a graduating senior, attend a Memorial Day event and spend time with your loved ones over the holiday weekend.

Or you may have gone all out and attended a baseball game – major league or minor league or a local team that is still in tournament play. The River View Black Bear softball team captured the tough eastern district title with a win over the number one seeded Scotties of Tri-Valley. The Lady Bears lost their next game to Sheridan at the regional level but certainly deserve our congratulations on a terrific season!

And congratulations to the number three seed Ridgewood boys’ baseball team on capturing the Division III East district title with a convincing 14-0 thrashing of number two seed Richmond Edison. The Generals now take on West Jefferson at Mount Vernon High School on May 30 at 5 p.m. in the regional tournament. GO GENERALS!

It is Balloon Festival time in Coshocton County! The annual Balloon Festival is a grand event and appreciation needs to be expressed to The Frontier Power Company for their major sponsorship of this fantastic event. “Kids” of all ages enjoy seeing the balloons take flight and soar into the skies above our community. Talk to any of the balloon pilots and they will tell you that Coshocton County is one of their favorite places to fly. The people are friendly and helpful too!

Thanks Balloon Festival committee for what you do for our community. Watch the June 5 edition of The Beacon for the hot air balloon festival program.

What is happening with the Tribe? It looks like the season is going the wrong direction and fast. Cleveland is now eight games behind the Twins and has lost four in a row as I write this column. (Friday, May 24 due to holiday press deadline). Pittsburgh and the Reds are in the tough National League central division with the Cubs and Brewers battling neck and neck for first place in what could be the season’s most exciting race.

If you are a Cleveland fan I think we will have a much better idea of how the season will shape up at the All-Star break. At that point in time we can decide to continue watching or save up our enthusiasm for the Browns. The excitement is building.

To provide some reflection on Memorial Day as of September 2018 the department of Veterans Affairs estimated that of the 16 million Americans that served in World War II nearly a half million were still living as of September 2018. The Pulitzer Prize winning author of the World War II trilogy, Rick Atkinson writes in the third novel that by the year 2030 only about 300 to 400 World War II veterans will still be living. If you know someone who served you will appreciate in the years to come knowing their story.

Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion

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