Mark’s Musings – November 16, 2016

Mark Fortune
Way to go Coshocton Redskins! The Redskins football team pulled off a thrilling, gutsy victory over a previously unbeaten and talented Garaway Pirates team this past Saturday night and now head to Athens to face the Wheelersburg Pirates for the opportunity to head to the state playoffs. We’re all rooting for you! You can read more about the playoff scenario and what comes next in this week’s Beacon.
The people have spoken with their vote. At least about half did. President-elect Donald Trump, who many considered to not have much of a chance, will be our 45th President. So this time around we have a businessman, not a lifelong politician nor from a family with the Presidential name attached to it. (Bush, Clinton, Adams) Here are a few other Presidents with a business background; Coolidge, Carter, Truman, Hoover, Harding.
As many have already pointed out and in much more eloquent prose than this writer is capable, the 2016 Presidential election points out that our nation is more heavily divided than ever before. As we reflect on this historic election and what it means to the country, the results certainly sent a message to Washington D.C. Whether the message is received as intended will remain to be seen. And whether Trump will hold to his campaign promises also remains to be seen.
Several questions remain to be answered. Will Trump follow through on his campaign promises and what he told the audiences at the debates and his rallies? Will the national media (not a fan of Trump and vice versa) hold Mr. Trump to a higher level of accountability than someone from inside the beltway? Both of the above are in question as we head toward the Inauguration of the President on January 20, 2017 and the first 100 days.
According to CNN, Trump is calling for a ‘special session’ on Inauguration Day to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act, commonly called Obamacare. Also according to sources, a massive demonstration is being planned for that day. Probably the most serious protest over previous Presidential elections was that of South Carolina and the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860. The state legislature voted to secede from the Union. That is pretty serious.
Can anything be done? About the Cleveland Browns that is. Or is it a helpless and hopeless cause? That number one draft pick is coming ever closer. But wait, didn’t the Browns have that before?
There is much fun to be had in Warsaw this weekend. Specifically I am referring to the River View High School auditorium and the Warsaw Lions Minstrel Show which is Friday evening, Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon. This is almost a “must see” show for our community with lots and lots of jokes, talented singing, musical performances and of course, laughter. Lots and lots of laughter. And I think that we can all use some of that after the past several months of watching the political scene. Do you have a favorite performer or a favorite singer or perhaps a favorite “End Man?” Please plan to attend as the funds generated help this great group of Lions contribute to the needs of our community in a big way.
Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion