Mark’s Musings – November 22, 2017

Mark Fortune
The calendar says it is time to be thankful. And although we should not need a date on the calendar or a holiday observance to express our thanks, we do have much to be thankful for in our community. We have a diverse group of manufacturers that are hiring and that support our community with volunteers, funds for the United Way and many other organizations.
We need to be thankful for the many community organizations that give and give and give to ensure that we are taking care of those that have fallen on hard times or are going through challenging circumstances. Neighbors and friends and families that step up when asked and even when not asked.
Let’s be thankful for Lake Park and our many other parks around the county in the midst of nature that we can access without a fee. Biking, hiking, walking and running are all available in a wonderful outdoor setting. Let’s be thankful for the opportunity to be with family and friends on these occasions.
Let’s thank all of the volunteers that make the SOCA program go at Lake Park each spring and fall.
Let’s be thankful for the vision that created Kids America and the many opportunities for the youth of our community to hone their skills and learn the importance of teamwork and responsibility.
Let’s be thankful that we live in a nation where we can express our opinions without the fear of reprisal, jail time or worse. In many nations around the world, the government controls the media. Thankfully, America is not one of them. Sure, much of our national media is owned by a few but the number of community publications, privately owned broadcast stations, websites and others seek to ensure that all citizens have a voice. And we can voice disapproval or approval of our government, policies, leaders and more with our voice, on social media, in print and through other forms of expression.
Let’s be thankful that we have enough to eat and good, clean water to drink. Thank you to those that give to our local food pantries to help those in need. Thank you to our health care workers.
Thank you to the people that work in education with the skills and dedication to help our young people grow and develop into caring and responsible citizens. Thank you to the many coaches – some paid, some volunteer – that devote many hours to practices and games to help our youngsters learn the practical skills and life lessons needed on the field, course, diamond or court to compete.
Speaking of our youth, we have volunteer leaders for our 4-H, boy and girl scouts and other youth organizations that give of their time and talent to help guide our youngsters. The amount of hours invested by these folks is sometimes hard to fathom.
Let’s be thankful for all of the folks that worked hard so that our community could enjoy another Christmas parade and help Santa come to Coshocton! The volunteers of Our Town Coshocton and all those that contributed their time and treasure deserve our thanks.
Thank you to Deputy Dingo for his many years of loyal and faithful service to the people of Coshocton County.
Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion