Mark’s Musings – November 27, 2019

Mark Fortune
Did you make it to the Miracle on Main parade? Aren’t the new lights – I am talking especially about the stars that adorn Main Street – beautiful! Appreciation goes to the many sponsors that helped make them possible.
Did you make it to the Warsaw Lions Music and Comedy Show at River View High School? I am writing this column – due to the Thanksgiving holiday – on Friday, Nov. 22 and am hoping to get there on either Saturday or Sunday. Laughs are always good and these shows typically deliver a boatload of them. Combine the humor with the wonderful singing and musical talent that exists in our community and this show is a winner. And the proceeds always go to wonderful causes.
Our community continues to move forward with lots of things in the works. People are starting businesses left and right – and whether they are at home or opening up a small shop downtown, in the Plaza, Warsaw, West Lafayette or otherwise, these are all very good things. Let’s support these locally owned businesses during the holiday season and beyond.
A dollar spent locally returns an average of 67 cents according to the United States Chamber of Commerce and our very own Coshocton County Chamber of Commerce reinforces this. Saturday, Nov. 30 is Small Business Saturday, and The Beacon is pleased to have two pages in this week’s issue focused on area small businesses. Small but mighty could really be the words that better describe our area’s small businesses. And every dollar spent at local businesses generates and additional 50 cents in local business activity from employees spending and businesses purchasing local goods and services.
The Thanksgiving Day holiday always means that the shopping season is in full swing – despite the fact that the decorations go up in the stores at Halloween. Or even before. That is just silliness I think but that is just my opinion.
And the Thanksgiving weekend brings another facet to our community – deer gun season. Youth gun season is this weekend and the regular season will start on Monday, Dec. 2 and run through Sunday, Dec. 8.
By the time you read this edition of The Beacon the Buckeyes will have either defeated the Nittany Lions or slipped out of the playoff picture – for a week. My opinion is that even if the Buckeyes lost to Penn State and then beat TTUN they will still make the playoff. Their resume is very solid and the statistics back that up with the Buckeyes leading the nation in many categories. Of course, these are just my predictions and I was way wrong on baseball this year.
Speaking of baseball, what happens to Houston? How would you like to be an Astros fan and know that your team – well, essentially cheated? Who knows how many teams do this and just don’t get caught though? Seems like a familiar theme right now though.
Here’s hoping that you and yours have a very Happy Thanksgiving! Don’t eat too much!
Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion