Mark’s Musings – October 26, 2016

Mark Fortune
Quite the weekend. We roll out of the fair here in Coshocton County in early October and quickly find ourselves headed toward November and the holidays. But there are several stops in between for our community and they are all good.
The apple butter stirrin’ at Roscoe Village was a hit – blessed with a beautiful fall weekend on Saturday and Sunday locals and visitors alike ambled down the sidewalks and streets enjoying the aroma of freshly cooked Apple Butter in the kettle and the crisp scent of fallen leaves.
On a sad note it has been announced that this was the final year for the Canal Festival Queen contest. Please do not think that this is a reflection on our community – the downward trend in these contests is a statewide – and probably a nationwide – reality. The pressures of other extracurricular activities leave families with hard choices to make-do we participate in this or that?
In fact, the participation in our county fair king and queen contest was below prior year levels. We are also faced with fewer youth in the age brackets that can participate. This affects our schools, churches and just about anything else that relies on our youth to keep going.
Are you excited about the World Series? One group of fans and one Midwestern city is going to be greatly disappointed. Just making it is not good enough for this Indians or Cubs team. Both teams offer good hitting. The Tribe has more injuries which perhaps makes them the underdog but having four games at home with the DH could help them overcome that a bit. Both managers employ an aggressive style of baseball which should make for exciting games and base running strategies.
If you took the opportunity to enjoy the Fall Foliage & Farm Tour this past weekend you saw some areas of Coshocton County that you probably do not venture into very often. There were no dueling banjos or anything like that but there were times when driving along the cliff road built alongside the Walhonding River that I was pretty sure I saw “D. Boone cilled a bar” on at least two large trees. He couldn’t spell ya’ know. Yep. Pretty sure. That was some rugged and beautiful countryside and I learned some things about the northwest corner of Coshocton County.
Traveling on those roads certainly gives one more respect for the men and women that keep the roads passable at the state, county and especially the township, level. Lots of respect. Nice job folks.
And to all of the folks that make the Fall Foliage & Farm Tour possible, we offer a grateful “Thank You”. There were great stops, great people, great food and great views.
The Buckeyes dropped to number six in the AP poll following the wrenching loss to Penn State. Here’s what is going to happen. Washington will lose. Clemson will lose. The Buckeyes will face an unbeaten Michigan on Nov. 26 for all the marbles. However, a matchup against #7 Nebraska (right now) and Michigan State come first. A trip to the championship game and a potential chance at making the four team playoff rests on November. The offense must improve to do it.
Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion