Mark’s Musings – October 30, 2019

Mark Fortune
As October comes to a close – don’t forget to turn those clocks back this weekend – and we head towards November and Election Day on Tuesday, Nov. 5 – we face many choices locally. Perhaps you have already voted – and exercised your right as an American citizen to cast your ballot the way you want to. It is a right that we should not ever take for granted.
For those that receive their Beacon in the mail, the World Series champion could be crowned as early as Tuesday night or it might have to wait until Wednesday evening. One thing is for certain, the Washington Nationals needed to win at least one of their home games. My prediction now – written on Monday, Astros in six. I don’t think Verlander will lose a second chance at home to win a World Series game and put on a ring.
Have you seen the scarecrows around town or up at Clary Gardens? They are very cool and also very creative. Some of our Beacon team members put their talents together and came up with this year’s astronaut version of “Buzz Weekly” – to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. Nice job team and thanks for sharing your talent with the community.
So where, exactly, are the Browns? For those of us that like to wave the brown and orange flag up high two wins at this point of the season may have some throwing in the proverbial towel. Let’s remember a few things here – to expect to beat the Patriots at home is a little too much even for a talented quarterback and very talented running back. And the schedule does favor the Browns going forward.
How about the Buckeyes? Despite an impressive win over the Badgers on Saturday the scarlet and gray stay in the number three spot in the poll – and I guess if everything stayed the same – which it will not – being number two or three does not really matter as those two teams play each other in the four team playoff. But that is getting way ahead of ourselves – and is several games away. But they do seem to have the complete package this year.
Is our fall season shifting a bit? It seems – if my memory serves – that the foliage is turning about a week or two later than in past years – and this has now happened a few years in a row. It could just be the weather patterns – that “El” stuff or whatever they call it. These weather patterns start in the Pacific Ocean (I think) and eventually have an impact on our weather.
But the foliage that remains is beautiful. For many of us, fall represents our favorite season of the year – and I am reminded each fall season that the foliage is just a brief time span of the autumn months but glorious they are. Perhaps it is meant to remind us that all things are fleeting and that the passage of time stops for no one. Each cycle of the seasons brings that reality home.
Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion