Mark’s Musings – October 5, 2016

Mark Fortune
It’s Fair Time! Did you go? Except for this past Friday, it has been great weather which lends itself to nice attendance. In fact, I would say – FAIR-tastic weather from Saturday on. You have through Thursday to attend the 165th annual Coshocton County Fair.
The Beacon fair booth has been busy receiving visitors – we appreciate everyone that has stopped by and said, “hello”, or “hey”, provided a news tip or signed up to receive Coshocton County’s locally owned weekly newspaper. We appreciate your support.
Our list of weekly requestors is climbing, and in fact we are approaching an all-time high and will mail 6,353 Beacon’s this week. This is good news for our advertisers who make what we do possible. Thank you.
The Coshocton County Fair is only possible through the support of the community, vendors, exhibitors and especially the directors. These folks give many long hours before, during and after the fair to ensure that we have a great fair with plenty of entertainment choices, food and fun. These hours are away from their families and friends so that we can enjoy time with our family and friends.
The fair is certainly about the entertainment, the food and the fun but when you ask folks, many will tell you that they just enjoy “coming home for the fair”. The county fair is, for many, a great opportunity to catch up with family and friends.
So, whether you enjoy the grandstand events, the tractor pulls, the food, the junior fair livestock exhibits and shows, the displays from area Scouts, 4-H and FFA clubs, schools, art hall, the grange (one lady told me that the Coshocton County Fair Grange Hall is the best in Ohio – and she drives here just to see it each year), the rodeo, rough truck, demo-derby or any of the other attractions, it is an event that we all know and appreciate. Thanks to those that make it possible.
The final hurrah of the county fair is always-besides the cleanup-the junior fair livestock auction, which will be held on Thursday evening, Oct. 6 beginning at 5:30 p.m. in Hunter Arena. You have the opportunity to help a young person in our community put away some money for college or perhaps even help fund a first car. The community is always hugely supportive of this event and opportunity. This community was always good to our family, that’s for sure. Good luck to all of the youngsters selling their livestock project this year.
It is playoff time in the world of baseball! The Chicago Cubs have a real shot this year while the Red Sox are riding the momentum of Big Papi’s final season. It’s game one Thursday night – Boston at Cleveland while the NLDS starts on Friday. The one game wild card playoff will be history when you read this column.
The Buckeyes have reloaded for another run at the title-which may very well come down to the final regular season game against TTUN. Yep, it could happen.
Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion