Mark’s Musings – September 26, 2018

Mark Fortune
The 167th annual Coshocton County Fair kicks off this Friday and while we’re enjoying the rides, the hustle and bustle of the midway, the events at the grandstand, the livestock shows or just visiting with friends and family, there are a tremendous number of people that make the fair possible. Here’s a partial list but I will probably not remember to recognize every group so I apologize in advance for that.
You have to start with the senior fair board – these men and women put in too many hours to even count and when you ask them when the planning begins for the next fair, they will tell you, “As soon as this one ends!” They all deserve our appreciation for a job well done in putting on one of Ohio’s greatest county fairs. Next up would be the junior fair board – as these young men and women work tirelessly to ensure that the junior fair livestock and other shows go smoothly. Thank you!
Mary and the folks that answer all of the questions and keep the paperwork filled out at the fair board office – thank you!
Then you have all of the volunteers that staff the school food stands – all of the bands, choirs and other performers that grace the fairgrounds with their musical talent. And of course, we can’t forget the Walhonding Rube Band!
All of the first responders that stand ready to serve at a moment’s notice – thank you. What about those that ensure the trash is hauled away and the bathrooms are clean and stocked. Thanks railroad gang for opening up your facilities during the fair! It is appreciated.
Everyone that helps keep things secure during the fair by spending their time in the buildings or overnight – thanks.
Finally, although I know I’ve forgotten a bunch – all the moms and dads and extended family that make sure the livestock is fed, watered and has clean bedding during the fair. It’s a big job and while the fair is going on – school athletic, band and other extra-curricular activities don’t stop.
The weather reports – dare I say it – are looking pretty positive for at least the first couple days of the fair. But you know this is Ohio and the weather can change on a dime. 70’s during the day and 50’s in the evening is just about an ideal temperature range. It might help keep the bees away too!
What’s your favorite part of the fair? Most people would probably have fair food at or near the top of their list while others might say the rides or the livestock is something that they look forward to. Maybe for some it’s the grandstand events, the OSTPA or local tractor pulls. For the youngsters it is undoubtedly the rides that are at or near the top of the list followed, I am sure by the food.
It’s a very busy and tiring time for a lot of people but when it’s over maybe you’ve made a new friend or two and can look back on the 167th annual Coshocton County Fair as a great experience.
We’re now one third of the way through the 2018 college football season and there have been no surprises in the top 4 teams: Alabama, Georgia, Clemson and Ohio State round out the top four with undefeated LSU right behind the Buckeyes in the fifth spot. For most of those teams the opponents start getting a bit tougher instead of the patsies that make up most of the early part of the season.
On the baseball side of the ledger, we’re headed into the playoffs with a few spots still up for grabs. The Indians are as ready as anyone heading into the post-season. The Cubs have rolled up 91 wins as of right now with a strong second half season. Virtually any of the teams headed to the post-season could end up in the World Series.
Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion