McPeek’s Mighty Maze opening Sept 15

| September 14, 2017

COSHOCTON – McPeek’s Mighty Maze is opening for its third season on Sept. 15 at the Coshocton KOA and will be open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays through Sunday, Nov. 5. Ryan and Camille McPeek, owners at Coshocton KOA are excited about this year’s maze and theme “Deep Sea Adventure.”

“The maze started in the fall of 2015 and we are lucky to have such great community support,” said Ryan. “It has allowed us to grow the maze and continue creating a family fun environment.”

If you’ve been to the maze before you can look forward to a great new theme where you can learn about the ocean and interesting sea life. They have expanded one of the most popular attractions, the giant corn box. This year the corn box holds more than four tons of corn, double what it held last year.  The corn box is now “tons” of fun for adults and children. The McPeek’s are also excited to feature The Real McCoy BBQ serving their amazing pulled pork and more delicious food. You can check Facebook for dates that Real McCoy will be at the maze.

If you’re new to McPeek’s Mighty Maze you’re in for a treat. The big maze is full of games and features “Maize-o-Vision” where you can reveal a secret map to help you find your location in the maze. Each admission also includes a hayride, the Mighty Fun Park which has great activities for families, and the Kids Maze where parents don’t have to worry about the little ones getting lost.

“Something we’re really excited about this year is our great team of staff,” Camille said. “We had a great group of high school students and adults apply. Our staff is looking forward to providing a great corn maze experience to families this year.”

The corn maze takes place at Coshocton KOA, a family oriented campground. This year the maze is included free when camping at the KOA.

“We want to provide an all inclusive, memorable, camping experience and having the maze be part of everyone’s time at our KOA does just that.” Ryan said.

McPeek’s Mighty Maze will be open Fridays from 3 to 10 p.m.; Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.; and Sundays from noon to 7 p.m. from Sept. 15 through Nov. 5. Be sure to bring your flashlight if you’ll be in the maze after dark. Flashlight nights add a whole new maze challenge.

Admission is $10 per person ages three and up, which also includes a hay ride to the corn maze. Discounts and giveaways are frequently featured on Facebook and online at Group discounts are also available for groups of 20 or more. They specialize in catering to scout groups, youth groups, school groups, and more. School groups may book on weekdays for field trips.

McPeek’s Mighty Maze is located at Coshocton KOA, 24688 County Road 10 in Coshocton. For information about the corn maze or Coshocton KOA contact McPeek at 740-502-9245.


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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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