Members of NewPointe have Community Impact Day

| August 3, 2015
CID: Members of NewPointe Community Church had a Community Impact Day (CID) on Sunday, Aug. 3 at Lake Park. Members pulled weeds, painted, and put down new mulch at the play area. BEACON PHOTO BY BETH SCOTT

CID: Members of NewPointe Community Church had a Community Impact Day (CID) on Sunday, Aug. 3 at Lake Park. Members pulled weeds, painted, and put down new mulch at the play area. BEACON PHOTO BY BETH SCOTT

COSHOCTON – Members of NewPointe Community Church gathered at Lake Park last Sunday, Aug. 2 to help beautify the play area.

“Our belief as a church, if we’re going to be a church in the community, we need to be a church in the community,” said Pastor Eric Dingler. “We go out to be the hands and feet of the church.”

Once a year, the church goes out in the community instead of having a worship service on a Sunday morning and has a Community Impact Day. This year, they decided to have their CID at Lake Park. Members were there painting, pulling weeds, putting in new mulch, among other projects.

The members also put 30 temporary signs in the play area that will eventually be replaced with permanent signs that define life apps such as courage, honesty, respect, and others.

“Parents can have conversations with their kids about the signs and what the words on the signs mean,” said Dingler.

NewPointe Community Church meets every Sunday at Coshocton Elementary School at 10 a.m. for worship.

“We believe the hope of the world is the local church living and teaching the life of Jesus Christ,” said Dingler.

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Category: Faith, Photo Galleries

About the Author ()

I have been employed at the Coshocton County Beacon since September 2009 as a news reporter and assistant graphic artist. I am a 2004 graduate of Newcomerstown High School and a 2008 graduate of Capital University with a bachelor’s degree in Professional Writing. I am married to John Scott and live in Newcomerstown. We have two beautiful daughters, Amelia Grace Scott and Leanna Rose Scott.

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  1. Thanks for telling this story Beth and The Coshocton County Beacon. Also, a huge thanks to all of the 125 plus volunteers who helped!!