More mailings offering public records for sale reported

| February 12, 2016


COSHOCTON COUNTY – Once again, County Auditor Christine Sycks is cautioning property owners to check with local offices before paying for copies of deeds, property cards, and other public records.

Record Transfer Services of Westlake Village, California, has mailed letters to area residents saying they are recommending property owners obtain a copy of their ‘Grant Deed’ and complete ‘Property Assessment Profile’.

“The mailer is a little misleading, because it appears to be a bill with a due date, even though they specifically state ‘this is not a bill’ in smaller print.”, said Sycks. “These mailings seem to appear a few times each year, from various addresses and business names. The last couple was from Columbus in November and from Wilmington, Delaware in June.”

For a charge of around $80 or $90, the mailings offer to provide copies of the deed and property record information that can be acquired at little or no charge from the County Recorder’s and Auditor’s Offices.

“The only thing listed in the mailing that is not normally included in the deed or property record card are ‘area comparable values’ of the property,” Sycks said. “Most people don’t need that unless they are planning on appealing their taxable value or selling their home. However, owners can do the research on their own from sales records on file in my office for no charge, if needed. Taxpayers can also either contact a Realtor who is active in their area for an independent opinion or appraisal of their value.”

The records described are public and in the possession of the County Recorder’s and Auditor’s Offices. A copy of the deed, which is the document that identifies one as a property owner, can be purchased at the Recorder’s Office for between $0.25 and $1 per page, depending on the age of the deed. Most deeds are no more than three or four pages long. Property record cards can be acquired at the County Auditor’s Office for $0.10 a page or for free if they are your own parcel. One can also view and print current records or review recent sales of comparable properties on the auditor’s website at

The County Auditor’s Office can be reached at 740-622-1243 and the County Recorder’s number is 622-2817.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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