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Moses earns gold medal at state event

| May 14, 2021

On April 30, senior electronics student Ryan Moses received a gold medal, first place finish in the State of Ohio SkillsUSA State competition for electronics technology.

This is the second year in a row that the Coshocton County Career Center has won the SkillsUSA (Gold Medal) Electronics Technology competition in the State of Ohio. Moses’ accomplishments have earned him the opportunity to compete in the National SkillsUSA competition that will be held virtually later this summer.

This year’s SkillsUSA contest was divided into the following five sections and tested over a three-hour time span: Customer service exam; written exam; soldering; breadboarding; and troubleshooting.

Contestants were given the task to demonstrate their knowledge of analog and digital circuitry; ability to troubleshoot electronic circuits; ability to construct and test experimental circuits; and the ability to design and select circuit components. All aspects of the competition tested the contestants’ abilities to use and calibrate electronic equipment, record and organize data, and demonstrate proper safety practices.

Moses has accepted an engineering internship with McWane Ductile for this summer and will be attending Cincinnati University in the fall.

Category: Education

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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