Mud Run brings people from around the country

Aspen, 3, was the first child to complete the children’s course and she was excited about her medal – and her muddy shoes. Jen Jones | Beacon
COSHOCTON – The torrential rains of the day before made the trails for the Sixth annual Indian Mud Run a little slick in places, but the competitors didn’t let that slow them down. From the oldest to the youngest, the course was about fun – and, of course, mud. Several children proudly showed off their muddy shoes and legs after completing the children’s course.
Hubie Cushman, organizer of the event, said there were more than 600 people signed up for the race about a week before the event. “We have people from 25 states and Canada. The reviews we get are top-notch because we have unique obstacles and people come here to compete as practice for the World Championships.”
Cushman said the idea for a mud run came about during a Thanksgiving dinner conversation with his daughters. The park levy had just failed and they were trying to think of a way to earn money for the park. “Everyone seems to do 5Ks – we wanted something different. We had done a warrior dash and thought that might be fun here.” Not including this year, the event has raised $65,000. “The money goes to the park, but we also give some to the Boy Scouts and fire departments that help us so much.”
Boy Scouts, fire departments, sheriff’s deputies, EMT’s and countless volunteers were on hand on Saturday, June 24 to make sure the event went off with as few problems as possible. Traffic was flowing and vans took participants and spectators to the course from Lake Park. “This year will be our most spectator friendly event,” said Cushman.
Three courses were available. There were two courses for adults and one for children. The most difficult of the adult courses was a qualifying event for the World Championships that will be held in Canada. The top five in each age class would qualify to enter the championship. Racers were sent out in groups every 20 minutes. Children could run their course whenever they wanted and as often as they wanted to. Their excitement was obvious and one little boy commented he was practicing to race with his dad when he grew up.
Cushman said, “I just can’t thank everyone enough who has helped pull this together. From building obstacles to organizing paperwork, it takes a lot of people to make sure every detail is taken care of.” He said he also wanted to thank his wife, Deana. “There were a lot of days I left before she got up in the morning and didn’t get home till after she went to bed. She supports me and I just appreciate her so much.”
Sergio Fabian drove from Chicago, Ill. with his family to compete in the event. He saw it on an event app and thought it looked like fun. He signed up before he realized it was in Ohio, but his wife, Rocio, said they should get in the truck and come. Fabian said, “I like the obstacles, but not the mud so much. We drove six and a half hours to get here with three boys and a dog. The race will be easy compared to that.” The boys, Kameron (12), Robert (11) and Jerry (5) were excited to do the children’s course and hoped to get really muddy. Fabian said this was his fourth race and he was looking forward to more.
April and Robert Castle saw the Indian Mud Run advertised on Facebook on a Louisville Adventure club site. They are from Mount Washington, Ky. and drove four and a half hours in the rain the day before the race to get here. This is their third race this year. “We do 5Ks and this seemed to be the next thing to do after that,” said Robert. April said, “We love adventure. This is like a roller coaster. You don’t know what’s coming, but you are excited for the ride.” Robert agreed and added, “We’re nervous now, but can’t wait to get started. This looks awesome.”
Gabe, Heather, Aspen and Willow Rainwater made the day a family event. Aspen, 3, was the first child to complete the children’s course and she was excited about her medal – and her muddy shoes. When asked what she liked best about the course, she said “The barrels.” Her dad, Gabe, added that she liked anything she could climb on. He was competing in the adult run later in the morning. “This is a great use for the golf course. We use the park a lot and this is a great fundraiser. I am usually a runner so I’m just hoping not to get hurt on the course.”
A group of World Champions flew from Florida just to compete in the Indian Mud Run. Dagner Spinosa, Dustin Radney, Ashley Samples, Heidi Williams and Jason Williams each have at least one gold medal in a World Championship event. “We do about 30 a year,” said Samples. Heidi Williams said, “This course is fun and beautiful. It’s great that they capitalized on the natural formations in the land to make an awesome course.” “The water obstacles and the hills made the course even more fun,” said Radney. The group agreed this was one of the best courses they had competed on and that the area was just beautiful. “We don’t have trees or landscape like this is Florida,” said Samples, “so this was really a cool surprise.” Heidi Williams added, “You really need speed, strength and agility for this. It was fun!”
Many competitors were overheard discussing next year’s event and looking forward to traveling back to Coshocton again. The license plates in the parking areas were from Texas, New York, Kentucky, Virginia, and many others and the accents of the crowd were vivid examples of how far people had traveled to enjoy the mud run and Coshocton.
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