National FFA Week Celebration – RHS
- Every October, the National FFA Organization bestows the highest honor any FFA member can receive. This year Ridgewood had four students earn this degree. These members have put in many hours for their SAE, have volunteered, been involved in state and national leadership activities and are the best of the best. Pictured from left are: Paige Goedel, Jesse Olinger, Hayden Davis, and Nathaniel Thompson. Contributed | Beacon
- The Ridgewood FFA officer team enjoyed a summer retreat where they organized all of the activities for the year. This year’s officers are: Waverly Reidenbach, president; Emily Bookless, first vice president; Montana Seitz, second vice president; Lizzy Sampsel, secretary; Carlos Mourer, treasurer; Katelynn Green, reporter; and Malachi Cahill, chaplain. Contributed | Beacon
- Palmer Erb was a National Proficiency Finalist this past October for his award area. He was selected as having one of the top four applications for ag mechanics repair and maintenance where he had his own small engine repair business, Rev-it-up Resale. He was interviewed by a panel of industry experts and received a $500 cash award for being a finalist. Contributed | Beacon
- Many FFA members participated in the Ridgewood FFA chicken co-op program this year. This is an opportunity for members to show something different than they are used to or for those members living in town to have the opportunity to show an animal at the fair. Students had to take care of the chickens from when they were two days old until they were market weight. They also learned showmanship and how to properly show the bird. Contributed | Beacon
- Ridgewood had several members achieve success with their Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAE) by being honored as State Proficiency Award finalists. These members were the top in the state in their areas. Students in this picture are Madison Whitt – agricultural services, equine entrepreneurship; Emily Bookless, outdoor recreation, specialty animal production; Jesse Olinger, swine production management, wildlife management (WINNER); Palmer Erb, ag mechanics repair and maintenance (WINNER); and Morgan Matis, specialty animal production. Contributed | Beacon
- Ridgewood FFA had five members receive their State FFA Degrees last May. This is the highest award an FFA member can receive at the state level. Pictured from left are: Waverly Reidenbach, Emily Bookless, Brittney Burgan, Carlos Mourer, and Morgan Matis. These members worked very hard to achieve this lofty goal. Contributed | Beacon
- This year Ridgewood High School FFA had the privilege to put on another tractor pull at the Bud Hawk Arena in Bakersville. It was dedicated to the memory and provided funds for the Tony Hoffman Memorial Scholarship Fund. Hoffman was the best supporter and fan of the FFA members over the last 15 years. He always helped out in the shop for fair projects, was a chaperone on FFA trips and was the FFA Alumni President. There were more than 150 businesses and individuals that donated supplies, food, door prizes, and awards. The support was overwhelming and overall through the tractor pull, personal donations, and a dinner by Bakers IGA, Ridgewood High School FFA was able to make a substantial contribution to the scholarship fund. Contributed | Beacon
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