National FFA Week Celebration – RVHS
- A large amount of members worked after school by participating in Adopt A Highway by cleaning up garbage on the side of Highway 36. Contributed | Beacon
- The chapter spent the day at Farm Science Review. Contributed | Beacon
- The River View FFA Chapter walked down the streets of Warsaw holding the flag on Memorial Day. Contributed | Beacon
- Seventeen River View FFA members travelled to Indianapolis for the National FFA Convention and Expo. Contributed | Beacon
- Ohio FFA Officers visited River View High School for State Leadership Night. Contributed | Beacon
- River View FFA got to experience Ohio State ATI during a campus visit. Contributed | Beacon
- Members painted the one-room schoolhouse after school. Contributed | Beacon
- The Parliamentary Procedure team competed in the sub district level contest. Contributed | Beacon
- Over the summer, members were a part of the tractor certification course lead by Mr. Rich. Contributed | Beacon
- River Views trap shoot teams competed at the district trap shoot contest. Contributed | Beacon
Category: Multimedia, Photo Galleries