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Nazarene church welcomes new pastor

| November 2, 2020

Coshocton Church of the Nazarene welcomed its new Lead Pastor Andrew Bird on Sunday, Nov. 1. Pastor  Bird is replacing Pastor Dave Boots.

A native of  South Carolina originally, he has served the last two years in Mount Vernon. Certified as a special education master of arts teacher, this degree enhances his knowledge and skills in educating children and adolescents with learning needs, helping to serve as advocates for children and families.

“I have a long term vision for the church and a heart for helping kids and will be a benefit to kids and those helping kids. We want to make the community we live in a better place in how we love – it doesn’t matter what church you belong to,” Bird said.

Pastor Bird and his wife Elizabeth have been married for 27 years. They have a 17-year-old son graduating from Mount Vernon in 2021 and a daughter in the third grade. “We will be doing some traveling back and forth to Mount Vernon while they finish up this school year,” he said.

The pastor said he sees no changes. “I am pleased to be working with the crew at the Nazarene  and getting some time in, right now, no changes anytime soon. We’re keeping the same staff.”

A special installation ceremony will be held on Sunday, Nov. 22 with Regional Director District Superintendent Wendall Brown conducting a formal pastoral installation service.

“It’s not going to be a huge big deal. We won’t be having the dinner because of COVID – no meals, not spending as much time together. We’re still having services  with social distancing, masks and varying levels of compliance and trying to do our very best as far as everyone’s needs,” Bird said.

The church is social distancing, not passing offering or communion plates, and dismissing immediately after to the parking lot.

The church is open to 150 people. Children’s church and Wednesday night youth activities are still happening.

“I’m excited to be here,” Bird said. “I want to be a church that is known for loving our community I’m serious about getting into the lives and hearts of the people. I’m trying new things. I believe in making mistakes, that’s how you learn. We can try some new things, go back and try some old things. The sky is the limit, I’m not saying yes or no to anything, I want to be who God wants us to be and what he wants us to do in this community.”

Services begin Sunday mornings at 11 a.m. They also can be heard live on WTNS Radio FM 99.3. The broadcast begins at 11 a.m. and ends at noon.

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