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Negotiations between Coshocton’s teachers and school board scheduled to resume today

| October 29, 2021

With a Nov. 1 strike date looming, the Coshocton City Education Association (CCEA) and School Board will resume negotiations this afternoon with the assistance of a federal mediator.

CCEA Spokesperson Barb Snyder said, “We were disappointed that the district was unavailable when the mediator offered to meet with us earlier this week. We’re trying to remain hopeful for an agreement today (Oct. 29), but the board’s actions earlier this morning to consider contracting security services, hire temporary employees, and pay substitutes more than double the current rate is really disheartening.”

At issue is disagreement over an economic package that will attract and retain high quality teachers for students. A strike could commence at 12:01 a.m. Nov. 1 if the parties don’t reach agreement on their contract before then. The CCEA membership will meet at 5 p.m. on Sunday at the United Steelworkers Local 7014 union hall (1048 S. 6th Street) to consider next steps.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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