New Beginnings Ministries hosting free dinners

Everyone is invited to a free cookout, ice cream and fellowship at New Beginnings Ministries in Warsaw on the second and fourth Thursday evening of the month this summer. (Marianne Austin)
“I’ve never seen anyone turn down ice cream,” said Pastor Bill Dunfee of New Beginnings Ministries. “There is nothing like the ice cream truck. The kids chase you down. We don’t charge one dime. Matthew 10:8 says freely you have received, freely give.”
New Beginnings Ministries in Warsaw has a heart for the community during this unusual time and one way to serve is giving away free ice cream with their Ice Scream 4 Jesus truck. They host a community dinner for fun and fellowship the second and fourth Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the church. Also, Community Outreach Meals go out every other Saturday to those in need.
“We hope to get to know those in the community while sharing this delicious treat and the Love of Jesus,” Dunfee said. “If you see our truck out and about, flag them down. With COVID-19 and so many people out of work we use this outreach as a way to bless our ministry families and as a low-profile way to bless the community. Whoever wants to help, come on out and see the excitement.”
The church has several free community outreach projects.
“We have a back to school fair, the fall festival, a Christmas Eve Dinner, and Vacation Bible School,” Dunfee said. “We have a commercial kitchen in the basement of the church that has provided 300 to 450 free meals so far. If the COVID situation prolongs itself we’ll be taking meals out for 200 to 300 to make sure we are faithful to any opportunity that arises.”
“We have had a really good response,” said Amanda Kent, worship leader. “It’s been fun. The ice cream truck is the biggest hit. Going out door to door. Everyone can use a meal. With so much uncertainty, everyone can use a hand. The kids aren’t in school. We help them out. We’ve had the playground for about 10 years for the kids to play on. There is always something for the kids to do. The kids can ride on the truck, eat ice cream and pass out ice cream. Our church has a heart for the community. Finding out ways we can help like easing the burden of school supplies. Get Jesus in their hearts at a young age. Share Jesus.”
The picnic is a way to fellowship, visit and spend time together. Pastor Dunfee shares a short word each week.
“We are all created in the likeness of God,” he said. “With the love divide we are living; we don’t know who the least of these are. We don’t know what people are living. Whatever the necessities are, we are trying to meet them. If we bless somebody we are going to be successful tonight. People are going to be blessed and these workers are blessed.”
Church in the Garage also meets every other Tuesday in Mount Vernon. This is a men’s study led by Jeff Cline and Pastor Bill Dunfee. All men are welcome to join them. For more information, contact either of these men directly or call the church.
Requests can be made to receive a meal by calling the church at 740-824-4878. The church also accept volunteers to help make, pack, and deliver them.
Category: Faith