New Lecture Series for 2013 at Roscoe Village

Alice Hoover will be the presenter for the second lecture of the year with Roscoe Rises from The Ashes on June 9 at 2 p.m. in the Visitor Center Theater. Alice returns in costume as a resident from Old Roscoe to tell stories of the conflagrations and firebugs which plagued the town from 1835 to 1912.
COSHOCTON – History is rich in Coshocton County! Nestled between two great cities, Columbus and Cleveland, Roscoe Village welcomes visitors from all over to share the history of this beautifully-restored 1800s canal town. A great line up of lectures has been put together for 2013.
Commemorating the100th anniversary of the great 1913 flood, Dave Neuhardt started off the 2013 lecture series by sharing a presentation on the flood. Roscoe’s own Alice Hoover will be the presenter for the second lecture of the year with Roscoe Rises from The Ashes on June 9 at 2 p.m. in the Visitor Center Theater. Alice returns in costume as a resident from Old Roscoe to tell stories of the conflagrations and firebugs which plagued the town from 1835 to 1912. With hearty pioneer spirits the town residents rose up and rebuilt after disasters. Guests will hear the stories of real people and how they dealt with adversity.
Hoover is a graduate with honors from Otterbein University. Her husband Dick, is a retired United Methodist pastor. They have two sons. Alice taught elementary school for 25 years, retiring from Coshocton Lincoln Elementary. She is the organist at the Presbyterian Church in Coshocton. As an historical dramatist, she portrays 30 Biblical and historical women.
Additional lectures will be Everyday Life Among 18th Century Native Americans by Roger Moore on Sept. 15 and Feast or Famine: The Rise and Fall of ‘Main Street’by Ken Smailes on Nov. 20. All lectures will be at 2 p.m. in the Visitor Center Theater.
The presentations are free of charge; however, donations to defray speakers’ fees are gladly accepted. For more information, contact the Roscoe Village Visitor Center at 622-7644 ext.12.
For more information on Historic Roscoe Village, call (800) 877-1830 or (740) 622-7644 or visit their website at The Village is located at 600 N. Whitewoman Street on State Routes 16 and 83 near the junction of US Route 36 in east-central Ohio.
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