New Life Ministries to host third annual Turkey Trot

New Life Ministries young adult ministries, AFG, will host the third annual Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving at 8 a.m. at Lake Park. File Photo | Beacon
COSHOCTON – Burn off those Thanksgiving calories ahead of time before the big feast at the Coshocton Turkey Trot 5K which will be at Lake Park on Thanksgiving morning, Thursday, Nov. 24. Race day registration is from 7 – 7:45 a.m. and the race will begin at 8 a.m. Registration is $30 and so far, more than 30 people have pre-registered for the run.
“It’s kind of crazy,” said Dustin Haywood, volunteer for the event. “We had 60 people the first year and 186 last year. We’re hoping to grow that number this year.”
The run is hosted by AFG, a young adult’s ministry at New Life Ministries. All proceeds will go to their ministry.
“We do Bible studies with the group,” said Melissa Harper, coordinator of the run. “”We give out to different ministries we have a heart for and the money also goes to different activities we do in the group.”
The top three finishers in each age group will receive a prize. Dean’s Jewelry is sponsoring the run again this year.
“Typically across the country, there are Turkey Trots,” said Haywood. “There’s one in Granville and one in the Dover and New Philadelphia area, so people would have to drive about an hour to participate. We decided Coshocton needed one, so we created one.”
Haywood, along with Kelly Treat, own DK Races & Events, LLC and will have another 5K run on Dec. 10 at 5 p.m. at the Canal Boat parking lot at Lake Park. Entitled Jingle Bell Jangle, it is a Christmas-themed night run that has Christmas lights and decorations along the running path.
Category: People & Places