Newly released novel set in Coshocton County

Julia Schmidt is pictured with her new book “The Magic In Dirt,” which is set in Coshocton County. Schmidt will be doing a book signing from 2 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 30 at the Coshocton Supply Co. Contributed | Beacon
COSHOCTON – Julia Schmidt’s new book “The Magic In Dirt” will feature some familiar settings for people with ties to Coshocton County.
“The book is set in Coshocton,” she said. “I thought it might be fun to use a place people can visit and one that I know very well and love. I actually used quite a bit of Coshocton businesses in the novel – Crowtown Pizza, English Ivy, The Warehouse, Raven’s Glenn, Unusual Junction, Canal Cargo, City Hall, Lake Park, The Yucatan, and Roscoe Village.”
Schmidt describes “The Magic In Dirt” as a women’s fiction.
“Although there is a romantic interest in this book, it does not revolve around the romance entirely,” she said. “The main character is really dealing with trying to rebuild her life after a big financial strain. She is forced to deal with forgiving her ex-husband in a very real way, but she is fortunate to have some amazing friends and a great community to support her along the way.”
The storyline was inspired by some life experiences.
“In this book the main character is a farmer and is losing her family farm,” Schmidt said. “I grew up on a farm and we actually recently said goodbye to my grandfather’s farm so I think you can see some of that relayed in the book. But most of the inspiration comes from my community and my friends.”
It took Schmidt nine months to write the book. She started in January and worked with editor Linda Mirise and is now working with Kerry Miller to market the book.
“I paused working on the book while I took real estate classes over the summer but that was the only break I took,” Schmidt said. “Most days I’d spend six hours on the book. It’s nice to have a bit of break. Although when you write a book you begin to connect with the characters. So, there is a little sadness to it as well.”
She is proud of the finished product.
“It was my goal to portray healthy relationships in all my work,” Schmidt said. “People struggle in life and it can be challenging to maintain relationships during those struggles. My hope was to show people that are emotionally strong and balanced so that those who read it could also recognize those qualities in others.”
“The Magic In Dirt” is Schmidt’s second book. Her first is a novella called “The Princess of Charming.”
Schmidt now lives in Cary, North Carolina, but she grew up in Newcomerstown and attended church in Coshocton when she was in school. She also made her home in Coshocton after getting married in 1999. Her husband grew up in Fresno and they were fortunate to be able to pastor in the Coshocton community for a while.
“It has always been a dream of mine to write a book,” Schmidt said. “I have been in ministry for my entire adult life and this felt like a natural extension of that.”
She will be back in Coshocton on Saturday, Nov. 30 to do a signing for her book from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Coshocton Supply Co. in Roscoe Village. The book is $12.99 for paperback and $4.99 for the kindle version. The Coshocton Supply Co. will continue to carry the book after the signing or you can order it on Amazon.
“They (Coshocton Supply Co.) are incredibly supportive, as it is all set in Coshocton and highlights the amazing community of Coshocton,” Schmidt said.
If you enjoy “The Magic In Dirt” you will want to be on the lookout for more from Schmidt in the near future.
“I am currently working on a devotional that I am hoping to have out by the first of the year as well as another general fiction book that I have actually set in Holmes and Coshocton County,” she said.
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