Night of worship planned at Tabernacle

If you love worship music than the Coshocton Christian Tabernacle has the perfect event for you. The church located on Airport Road, across from Wal-Mart, is planning its night of worship for 7 p.m. Friday, July 10. (Submitted)
If you love worship music than the Coshocton Christian Tabernacle has the perfect event for you.
The church located on Airport Road, across from Wal-Mart, is planning its night of worship for 7 p.m. Friday, July 10.
“We usually always do these events on Sunday but wanted to change it up and do a Friday this time,” said Zach McMorrow, who is part of the praise and worship team. “It gives us another opportunity to collectively gather as a unified body of Christ and worship God.”
The events have been occurring for about three years now and includes music, a small devotion, and then more music.
“It is mostly the Coshocton Christian Tabernacle musicians that provide the music, but over the last year, we’ve reached out to other local churches and some of their musicians play now as well,” McMorrow said.
Nights of worship are typically held once a quarter and the community is invited to attend.
“It’s a good time to bring everyone together to connect and worship together,” McMorrow said. “We were all made to worship and it’s better when we’re together.”
Category: Faith