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NWTF banquet continues tradition

| March 7, 2016

DSC_0147COSHOCTON – The Muskingum Valley Chapter of the NWTF held its 27th annual Hunting Heritage banquet on Saturday evening March 5 at Lake Park Pavilion with well over 300 in attendance. Among the many items auctioned during the event was a “mystery” with the proceeds going to the Muskingum Valley JAKES program. Dwaine Scheetz is pictured holding Hunter with Shawn Ellwood of New Philadelphia, who was the high bidder for “Hunter,” who slept through most of the evening’s activities. Greg Rice was joined by his son John to do the auctioneering. Scheetz said, “The turnout always amazes me and we are grateful to all of the committee members, spouses, family members and area businesses who give donations and hours and hours of time to make this an event that we can all be proud of here in Coshocton County.”

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About the Author ()

Mark Fortune, along with his wife Nancy, is the former owner and founder of The Coshocton County Beacon, the highest circulated newspaper in Coshocton County. He has over 40 years in the publishing business with sales, marketing, and journalism experience. After selling The Beacon to the AloNovus Corp., in January 2020, Mark has been a Business Development Strategist with the company. They publish a network of weekly news publications with almost a half million distribution weekly, a quarterly tourism magazine and a digital division. Mark enjoys history, and has a passion for genealogy, currently researching and discovering his Fortune ancestry. He and his wife Nancy live on a small farm outside of Coshocton.

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