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OHSAA announces tentative details for spring sports seasons

| April 9, 2020

The Ohio High School Athletic Association provided new details to member schools on Wednesday regarding spring sports schedules and tournament information if school facilities reopen in early May.

School facilities are closed through May 1 due to the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. If the closure is extended beyond May 1, the OHSAA will provide updated information. If school facilities do not reopen this school year, there will not be a spring sports season.

“If the governor and Ohio Department of Health deem it safe to reopen school facilities in early May, then we will have a shortened spring sports season that extends into June,” said OHSAA Executive Director Jerry Snodgrass. “I commend our sports administration staff for putting the schedules together working on state tournament sites.”

“We continue to applaud each of you for helping provide guidance and leadership to your coaches and your efforts to keep students engaged,” Snodgrass wrote to school administrators in the memo. “This crisis has heightened the awareness that students want to be back in the classroom. Teachers want students back in the classroom. In our solid belief that school-based athletic programs are an extension of the classroom, we hold that same belief for our student-athletes and coaches. Getting kids back with coaches is much more than winning and we feel it a vital part of returning life to normalcy.”

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Category: High School, Sports

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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