Olde Thyme Country Market ready to open in new location
Olde Thyme Country Market owned and operated by Jamie and Priscilla Troyer will be opening their new store building located on the corner of U.S. 36 and Airport Road across from Wal-Mart. The move provides customers with a brand new store at a great location in a busy but easily accessible area.
“The market will basically be a repeat of the original store when it was at the County Road 16 location outside of West Lafayette with the same great products including their amazing made to order sandwiches and salads,” said Jamie. “We plan to follow through where we left off. We offer our meat and cheese, jarred goods, hanging flower baskets in season, bulk foods, frozen food and local produce in season. We have produce throughout the year but people really like the local produce when it is in season.”
Another favorite is their homemade baked goods in particular, fried pies and pumpkin rolls and that’s not all. The Troyers plan to expand their wood product line as well with their handcrafted furniture and something new, MillCraft Barns featuring mini-barns and sheds all locally made. “Pricilla has many craft items. Her candles have always been a big hit. Also Naked Bee an all natural popular skin and hair care line of products is available,” Jamie said.
The Troyers believe, “Our baked goods, deli items, salads, and sandwiches will take you back to grandma’s pantry where everything tasted fresh and delicious.”
Olde Thyme Country Market’s tentative opening is scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 2. Hour will be 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays, Saturday 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., and closed Sunday. Check them out on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/oldethymecountrymarket.
Category: Business