Open your heart to God’s message this Lenten season

Pastor Timothy McCullom was the main speaker for the luncheon. He focused on the topic “The Open Heart” and related it to Jeremiah 29: 10-14 and the hymn “Sanctuary.” (Josie Sellers)
Chuck Snyder had the pleasure of welcoming everyone to the first Lenten Lunch of the season at The Presbyterian Church.
“I’m a member here and we are so pleased to again be hosting these,” he said.
Richard Hoover shared that this year’s theme for the lunches is “Matters of the Heart.”
“It’s hard to believe, but the word heart is mentioned over one thousand times in the scriptures,” Hoover said. “Heart gets at the inner person. The core of who we are, our choices, decisions, feelings, intentions, and motives.”
Hoover encouraged attendees to take inventory of who they are and how they could grow closer to their savior.
Pastor Timothy McCullom was the main speaker for the luncheon. He focused on the topic “The Open Heart” and related it to Jeremiah 29: 10-14 and the hymn “Sanctuary.”
“When you think of a sanctuary you think of the place in the church where you do worship,” McCullom said. “It’s filled with pews and holy pieces of various shapes and forms. In its simplest form though it is a meeting place between us and God.”

Sandy Hess and Mary Craigo from Isleta UMC helped serve soup at the Lenten Luncheon.
The Lenten Lunches are held at 11:45 a.m. on Wednesdays through April 1, at The Presbyterian Church at the corner of Fourth and Chestnut streets. (Josie Sellers)
He encouraged people to open themselves up to God and let him speak to them about his plans.
“Give God all of what we have to give and let everything else go,” McCullom said. “Quit worrying about what you don’t have because God’s got this. He has plans for us and will reveal them when we come to him with all our heart.”
In addition to McCullom’s message attendees also enjoyed a lunch of soup, cheese, vegetables, and pies. Helping serve the soup were several ladies form Plainfield United Methodist Church and Isleta United Methodist Church.
“I enjoy the fellowship of the lunches,” said Patsy Miller from Plainfield UMC. “Everyone gets together and has a good time.”
Mary Craigo from Isleta UMC added that she enjoys helping people. So does her fellow church member Sandy Hess.
“We had so much fun last year that we decided to do it again this year,” Hess said.
The Lenten Lunches are held at 11:45 a.m. on Wednesdays through April 1, at The Presbyterian Church at the corner of Fourth and Chestnut streets.
Category: Faith