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Our Town Stories June topic announced

| May 22, 2017

COSHOCTON – Where was this taken? is the topic for the Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum’s Our Town Stories discussion on June 8. Do you have photos that you’re certain were taken in Coshocton County but you just can’t place the spot? Bring them to the discussion for group input. Maybe someone will know just where the picture was taken. If possible, give the image to the museum beforehand, either by e-mail or by stopping by so the staff can scan them in the computer (Call ahead of time if you plan to stop in during morning hours.) During the discussion, staff will project images for all to see at one time.

JHM’s Our Town Stories gathering occurs monthly on the second Thursday of the month at noon. The conversation animates “the old days” as we conjure up memories, share personal stories, and recall Coshocton County as it once was. All are welcome to participate, whether you grew up in Coshocton or not. The atmosphere is casual and the discussion is always informative, fun and surprising. Admission for the program is free, and beverages and cookies will be provided. Bring your sandwich and make the most of your lunch break.

July’s topic is funeral homes. For more information, contact the Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum at 740-622-8710 or jhmuseum@jhmuseum.org. The Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum is located at 300 N. Whitewoman Street, Coshocton. The museum is open from noon to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday.


Category: Arts & Entertainment

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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