Parenting strategies presentation held at Sacred Heart School

Dr. Mike Thomson presented his “Strategies for Saving your Sanity in Parenthood” to parents at Sacred Heart School on Feb. 26. Jen Jones | Beacon
COSHOCTON – Dr. Mike Thomson presented his “Strategies for Saving your Sanity in Parenthood” at Sacred Heart School on Feb. 26. He talked to the students and staff during the day and to a group of parents that evening.
He has presented his plans to more than 2.5 million people, has written 15 books and does TV and radio shows where parents can call in and ask their parenting questions. He also offers his presentations on You Tube at He encourages parents and students to subscribe to his channel and learn together.
Thomson said his strategies are based on a simple statement he teaches everyone. One hand is a good choice, the other is a poor choice. “I changed ‘bad’ choice to poor choice because everyone makes stupid mistakes, but it doesn’t make them a bad person. Kids will assume they are bad if they make a ‘bad’ choice. I tell parents to remember a poor choice doesn’t make a bad kid.”
“I told the kids today that after listening to my plan, their parents will never ground them again,” said Thomson. “They are like ‘wow!’ Then I tell them that their choices got them grounded, not their parents.” He shared this idea several times – that the choices people make have consequences and they need to remember that. “It’s your fault – not your parents, your teacher, your friends. I’m sick to death of the victim/blame game that so many people have.”
Thomson shared three themes during his talk with parents. “I encourage you to share these with your children and teach them over and over.” His themes are: Number one – the only people without problems are dead; number two – the world is filled with a boatload of jerks; and number three – in a tornado, even a turkey can fly.
He firmly believes that everyone needs to know that everyone has problems – they aren’t special because they do, that they will meet jerks and some will be mean to them. “Too many people want to blame everyone else and assume they are special because they have problems. Nope, not at all.”
Another point he wanted to share is that behavior never lies and truth is demonstrated, not stated. “Parents need to be ready to wear helmets and flack-jackets. You won’t be popular, but you have to stick with what you believe.”
Category: Education