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Patterson plans to play basketball at Muskingum

| April 1, 2022

Ridgewood High School senior Dalton Patterson signed a letter of intent to play basketball at Muskingum University this fall. Ridgewood High School senior Dalton Patterson signed a letter of intent to play basketball at Muskingum University this fall. He is pictured with his parents Mike and Annie Patterson. (Submitted)

Ridgewood High School senior Dalton Patterson signed a letter of intent to play basketball at Muskingum University this fall.

Ridgewood coach Troy Dolick has been Patterson’s varsity basketball coach for the last four years. “Dalton began playing as a freshman, he’s had over 102 career basketball games and scored over 1,000 points for us,” Dolick said. “He’s had a phenomenal career and led us to three district appearances, IVC title, regional appearance during the COVID year when things were slow. He’s been the heart and soul of our basketball program for the last four years. He’s definitely going to be missed but we look forward to watching the next chapter in his life playing basketball at Muskingum.”

Head Football Coach John Slusser said, “Dalton has been a four-year starter for us. He’s been an extremely talented athlete at Ridgewood in all the sports he plays. He is a wonderful kid and comes from a wonderful family. He will be successful at whatever he does. He chose to play basketball. He was good at football, and he would have been exceptional at track. He is just a tremendous athlete.”

Patterson plans to play basketball at Muskingum and study sports management. “My high school career went pretty well,” he said. “I played basketball, ran track and played football. My favorite memory of playing basketball was at O.U.my sophomore year. This year was another great year. I’ve had a basketball in my hand ever since I was born, it’s in my blood basically. My dad coached it, so I was always around it.”

His mother Annie Patterson said, “He grew up with a basketball in his hand, so I wasn’t surprised when he got offers to play. I am very proud of him.”

Dad, Mike said, “I’ve been pretty proud of Dalton I coached him in fourth, fifth and sixth grade travel ball. I am very proud of the hard work he has put in to get where he is today.”

Category: High School, Sports

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