Perfect state audit announced at city council meeting
COSHOCTON – The Coshocton City Council met on Tuesday, Nov. 13, in the council chambers.
Mayor Steve Mercer announced that the city had received a notice from the state about the annual audit. No findings were noted in the audit, meaning the city received an excellent report. “I want to compliment Sherry Kirkpatrick and her office for all they do.” Mayor Mercer went on to say this shows how well the department heads and the auditor’s office work and he is very pleased that the state agrees that the city handles money correctly.
Mercer also noted that Miracle on Main would be happening on November 16th with a parade and the unveiling of the lighting of the court house. “This is going to be a fantastic event. The lighting is a great addition to the center of town, for the holiday and year round.”
Max Crown, service director, announced that the Swain Avenue project is nearly complete, as is street paving for the year. “I got a report from Steve Miller (ODOT) today. There is a 99 percent certainty that they will not be pouring concrete this year. The weather caught up with them and they need five days of 50 degree temps to pour it. Basically, what you see on the bridge project now is what it will be all winter.”
Crown also said that a number of people had expressed concern over leaf pick-up. “We are picking up leaves – we are about four days behind. The weather affected the schedule.”
Jeff Corder shared that the new Water Department Office on Walnut Street has new security. Everyone will use a fob instead of keys to get into the building. The fobs will allow a record to be kept of when people enter and leave. New cameras, a panic system and direct links to the sheriff’s office have been installed. A new server will be installed at city hall, but they will be working on updating the health department office first. When completed, the water department, health department and city hall will all be connected.
Tom Grier asked if the new security system included fire protection. Corder said it did not, but that could be looked into. Several council members agreed that needed to happen.
Category: Government