Plainfield haunted trail offers Halloween thrills

Michael LaVigne has been hosting Hells Hollow on his property each October for three years. LaVigne begins construction on his Halloween attraction in June and is pictured here adding the finishing touches to a spooky new town.
PLAINFIELD – Are you looking for a good scare this Halloween? If so you will want to be sure to see if you are brave enough to make it through Hells Hollow Haunted Trail.
Legend has it that in the early 1930s a farmer killed 13 children in the “hollow” because he was tired of being tormented by them. The spirits of the children can now be seen after dark looking for their way home and revenge on the farmer.
The quarter mile trail winds itself down and up Michael LaVigne’s property.
“We use to do Halloween parties and set this up and tear it down all for one night,” he said. “People got upset that they weren’t being invited and someone eventually suggested we open it up to the public.”
This is the third year the LaVignes have hosted the trail.
“The legend is just something we thought up,” LaVigne said.
The story may remain the same each year, but LaVigne likes to add new aspects to the trail to keep people coming back.
“This town we built is all new,” he said. “It has all kinds of hidden passages.”
About 800 people walked the trail last year.
Attendees park at the old Plainfield School and are bussed over to the trail.
“It helps with crowd control and adds to the mystery,” LaVigne said.
Set up for the trail starts in June.
“On the weekends there will be trucks everywhere and they are all over to help,” LaVigne said. “We couldn’t do it without volunteers.”
Between 30 and 50 people also help each night of the trail.
“For the most part it’s fun to do,” LaVigne said. “There also is a business aspect of it, but it’s something we enjoy doing. We probably celebrate Halloween more than any other holiday. I just enjoy the mystery of it and that it can get your heart racing 100 miles an hour.”
The trail is recommended for those 13 and over, but LaVigne said that is really a personal decision.
“We’ve had 20-year-olds not make it and 5-year-olds make it,” he said. “Most people know themselves and their kids.”
A 90-year-old grandmother also has conquered the trail.
“I made sure no one gave her a heart attack,” LaVigne said.
The entire path of the trail is roped off so people don’t get lost and there also is security on hand.
“I hope everyone comes out,” LaVigne said. “It’s fun and most people really enjoy it.”
The trail is open from 8 to 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Oct. 12-13, 19-20, and 26-27. General admission is $8. More information can be found at
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