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Planetarium hosting free shows

| February 27, 2019

COSHOCTON – The Coshocton Planetarium will be presenting a series of programs to the public. There will be a different program presented each week for four weeks. Each program will be shown for two nights.

  • March 4-5: Two small pieces of Glass – This program is about the development of the telescope. A demonstration will go along with video.
  • March 12-13: The Cowboy Astronomer – The cowboy talks about astronomy at his campfire and also talks about Native American star tales.
  • March 19-20: Dinosaurs at Dusk – Travel back in time to meet the ancestor of the modern day bird, experience the cataclysmic last day of the dinosaurs.
  • March 25-26: Moles, What is out there – A young mole name Plato is curious about the light that penetrates the entrance to his home. This program is for young children kindergarten to third grade.

There is no charge for any of these programs. Donations are being asked for to offset the cost of hosting the state planetarium meeting in April. All shows are at 7 p.m. and will last approximately one hour. Although the shows are free of charge, reservations must be made by going to coshoctonplanetarium.com or call Coshocton High School at 740-622-9433.

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