Poorman takes over for Prior at prenatal clinic

COSHOCTON – Amanda Poorman, certified nurse midwife and the Maternal & Child Health Center are making sure that women still have access to prenatal care in Coshocton County.
Dr. Paul Prior served the clinic for a number of years, but recently left to relocate out of state. He worked at the clinic when Coshocton County Memorial Hospital had a birthing center and continued to serve Coshocton patients through his previous role with Knox Community Hospital. Poorman worked with Prior at both hospitals and will continue to help patients work toward a safe and healthy delivery at Knox. The medical director of the prenatal clinic will be Knox’s Dr. Amy Flammer.
“It’s important to me that women have access to care close to home,” Poorman said.
As a certified nurse midwife, Poorman can work with everyone from those who want low intervention with their delivery to those who want an epidural. She follows the same standards of care and guidelines that physicians do. The only thing she cannot do is perform surgery, but a physician is always available for her to call in if a c-section is necessary.
“I always work in conjunction with a physician,” Poorman said. “I think it will be nice for people knowing there is a female provider here too.”
She will work with her patients on a birthing wish list and as a midwife is very focused on educating them.
“We will spend a little bit longer educating our patients one-on-one,” Poorman said. “We also are about shared decision making. I like to do the intake and get their history and background to help form a relationship and build trust.”
For more on the Maternal & Child Health Center’s prenatal clinic or to make an appointment, call 740-622-2999.
“I am really vested in this community,” Poorman said. “I’ve raised my three children here. This community is important to me and I didn’t want to see this service get lost to people. I want people to have access to high quality obstetrics care in the community. Patients also will benefit from our new birthing center that is set to open at the first of the year. It will have services that even larger hospitals don’t.”
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