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Port Authority to create Ohio InSite Database website

| November 19, 2013

COSHOCTON – Do you have commercial or industrial property or buildings available for sale or rent?  The Coshocton Port Authority has been awarded grant dollars to create an Ohio InSite Database “Inventory” project. This initiative will promote the use of Ohio Insite website, interface with property owners and real estate brokers, collect initial property data, and perform the required data entry and maintenance of the Ohio InSite Database.

The Port Authority understands attracting investments and jobs is highly competitive, regionally and internationally as well as globally and a complete county-wide inventory within Ohio Insite database is imperative. Please help update our county’s inventory.

If you have commercial or industrial property or buildings available for sale or rent, notify the Coshocton Port Authority. They will help to collect the necessary information, measurements, and photos to get noticed on the Ohio Insite Database website.

Call the Coshocton Port Authority at 622-7005 or email reneehardesty@coshoctoncounty.net.

Category: Government

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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