Porter named Conesville’s volunteer of the year

Erin Porter, center, was recognized as the Village of Conesville 2018 Volunteer of the Year. She is pictured with her son Mason Donley and Mayor Marge Donley. Contributed | Beacon
CONESVILLE – When Erin Porter was asked to come to the Conesville Village Council December meeting, she assumed it was a Christmas party.
“They said they had a present for my son Mason, but when I got there it was a standard meeting,” she said. “No one was dressed up or anything and then I saw my mom walk in. I wasn’t sure what was going on. The meeting was really short and then Marge (Conesville’s mayor) told me the real reason I was there was to be recognized for my volunteer efforts with the 2018 volunteer of the year award. I was totally surprised.”
Porter has lived in Franklin Township for 10 years and moved into the Village of Conesville in 2014. She has helped out in the community in a variety of ways including mowing properties, painting the playground, landscaping and planting flowers in planters throughout the village and watering them. Porter also updates the village’s sign with announcements.
“I do little things to help make the village look pretty and help with anything that needs done,” Porter said. “I’ve been in school and just became an EMT. Volunteering has kept me busy and got me out of the house. Plus I enjoy working with my hands.”
Mason’s father is the village maintenance man and Porter enjoys being able to help him make the village a better place.
“It takes a village not just one person to make this a better place for all the little ones to play and be safe,” she said. “We are raising our future.”
Porter received a clock and $100 gift card as a thank you for all her hard work.
“I was very humbled and appreciative,” she said. “Being acknowledged for the work I do doesn’t matter to me. I just enjoy making this a better place to live for everybody. The Village of Conesville is a beautiful place and we are proud to call it home.”
Category: People & Places