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Prayer service for community revitalization planned

| January 25, 2015

COSHOCTON – The Coshocton Ministerial Fellowship is sponsoring a prayer service on Saturday, Jan. 31 at First Baptist Church of Coshocton. The service will begin at 7 p.m. with music praising the Lord. Various pastors from local churches will be leading prayers for the community.

For the past several months several pastors have been meeting on Tuesday mornings to pray for the City of Coshocton, our county and township leaders, law enforcement, first responders, local businesses and spiritual renewal throughout the area.

The clergy have been concerned that the Coshocton area, its resident’s, leaders and business have been facing challenging situations. One pastor said, “As Christians we believe the answer to the issues faced by the people of Coshocton are answered by inviting God into the center of the situation.”

The prayer service will include a freewill offering to support the purchase of a surveillance system for Himebaugh Park.

First Baptist Church of Coshocton is located at 618 Chestnut St., across the street from the Pit Stop service station.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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