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Presbyterians present musical meditation ‘Love So Amazing’

| March 17, 2015

COSHOCTON – The Presbyterian Church, North Fourth and Chestnut Streets in Coshocton, will present the Lenten cantata, “Love So Amazing,” as part of 10:30 a.m. worship on Sunday, March 22.  Lenten anthems will be sung by the Chancel Choir and Moving Spirit, led by Charles R. Snyder, director of music. The music will be woven together with narration read by Jonathan Carlisle, Gordon Kendall, Marialice Mauch, Grace Millspaugh, Chad Putka and Sharon Sutton.  Mark D. Wagner will be the organist and Caroline S. Heading will be the pianist and accompanist. Other musical leadership will be provided by soprano Debra Brown and guest trombonist, Lucas Kaspar. Debra Wallace and Pastor Jonathan T. Carlisle will be liturgists.

Snyder has drawn the narration from “Singing in the Spirit,” a devotional book written by Mary Kay Beall, a Columbus pastor, lyricist and composer. Beall frequently collaborates with her husband, composer John Carter, as they create new works and lead workshops. Last October, they led a retreat at the River Greens banquet room near West Lafayette for four dozen women from the Bakersville, Coshocton and Fresno Presbyterian churches, Grace United Methodist Church, and Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church. Beall is an ordained minister with dual standing in the American Baptist Church and the United Church of Christ. She has hundreds of published works to her credit including the lyrics for many sacred and secular songs.

All are invited to share in this musical Lenten meditation.  Preschool childcare will be provided, and ample parking is available.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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