Presbyterians share Christmas Eve candlelight worship

| December 15, 2017

COSHOCTON – Come home for Christmas! The Presbyterian Church, North Fourth and Chestnut Streets, will have a Christmas Eve candlelight worship service at 7:30 p.m. An extended prelude will begin at 7:10 p.m. and will include music of the season by organist Alice M. Hoover; the Roscoe Brass Quintet; E. Luane Campbell, flute; Melinda G. Gale, clarinet; Matthew H. Hayes, marimba; Ronald D. Geese, euphonium; Caroline S. Heading and Matthew P. Downing, piano; and Ann A. Leppla and Dickie R. Barrick, piano duet.

The four Advent candles will be relit, and the Christ candle will be lit by Bob and Marialice Mauch. The Christmas story will be told in scripture, poetry, story, and song. As the service unfolds, a child will bring the baby Jesus to the crèche manger. Music will be provided by the Chancel and Crusaders Choirs and Celebration Singers, led by Charles R. Snyder; the Carol Choir, led by April L. King; Matthew P. Downing, tenor; Raynor G. Shoemaker, oboe; Matthew H. Hayes, percussion; and pianists Ann A. Leppla and Caroline S. Heading. Pastor Jonathan T. Carlisle will share the testimony of the innkeeper at the Bethlehem Inn. Gordon A. Kendall will be the liturgist.

The congregation will join in the singing of familiar carols, and participate in the tradition of candle lighting.  The service will conclude with the “ringing in of Christmas,” as more than 40 members and alumni of the Geneva Handbell Choir and Westminster Ringers ring handbell peals while the congregation sings “Joy to the World.”  Following the service, the Finnegan tower carillon will continue the joyful peals throughout the community.

All are invited to join in this celebration of Christ’s birth. The 7:30 p.m. service will end about 8:30 p.m.   Preschool childcare will be provided and ample parking is available.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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