Primary election voting to be done by absentee ballot

| March 31, 2020

The Ohio Legislature passed a bill that extended the absentee deadline for the March 17 primary election. There will be no in-person voting at polling locations. If you have already voted in-person or by mail, your ballot will still be counted and you do not need to request a new ballot. Voters who wish to vote by mail will be required to request an absentee ballot by noon on Saturday, April 25. Those ballots may be returned by mail if postmarked by Monday, April 27, or returned in-person to the Coshocton County Board of Elections office by 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 28. There is a secure drop box located in the Coshocton County Services Building at 724 S. Seventh St. in Coshocton.
Absentee ballot requests can also be found online at
and can be returned to the board of elections office by mail or by using the drop box. If you do not have access to a printer, you can put all the required information on a piece of paper, sign and date it, and mail that in. We will work to get information out as quickly and accurately as we receive it.
Frequently Asked Questions regarding the 2020 Ohio Primary Election
1. May I submit my absentee ballot application electronically by email? No. We need the original copy. It may be mailed to us or hand-delivered to our ballot drop box at 724 S. Seventh St. in Coshocton.
2. Do the political party ballots contain the questions and issues (i.e. school levy) for my precinct? Yes, they do.
3. Section six of the absentee ballot application is asking for the date of the election, what should I put here? As long as you indicate that you want to vote in the 2020 Ohio Primary, we will accept any date here. Our recommendation is to list March 17, 2020. But again, if you already listed a different date, we’ll accept it.
4. How are voters being notified of the change in voting procedure for the 2020 Ohio Primary? Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose will be mailing every registered voter a postcard notifying them of this change and how to obtain an absentee ballot application.
5. May I mail in several absentee ballot applications in one envelope? Yes.
6. When is the deadline to submit my absentee ballot application? Saturday, April 25, by noon, but do not wait until the deadline. Apply right now.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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