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Promenade planned during Canal Days

| July 18, 2013

COSHOCTON – Join the Honorable Mayor Steve Mercer as he leads the Coshocton Canal Festival’s annual stroll through yesteryear.

This year’s Promenade is Sunday, Aug. 11. Registration for this event begins at 12:45 p.m. Judging will begin at 1:15 p.m. The promenade will begin at 2 p.m. and awards will be presented at the conclusion. Participation awards will be distributed, as well as awards for the following categories:

–          Best Dressed Lady

–          Best Dressed Gentleman

–          Best Dressed Young Lady 7 and under

–          Best Dressed Young Man 7 and under

–          Best Dressed Young Lady ages 8-13 (second and third places awarded in this category as well)

–          Best Dressed Young Lady ages 14-18

–          Best Dressed Young Man ages 8-18

–          Best Dressed Family

–          Most Unique

–          Queen’s Choice

–          Mayor’s Choice

–          Honorable Mention

–          Best Dressed Overall years 1830-1860

–          Best Dressed Overall 1860-1912

Pre-registration is not necessary. Light refreshments will be served during the awards presentation. Additional information can be found on the Coshocton Canal Festival’s Facebook page. Contact event coordinator Amanda Meiser 623-8302 with any questions.

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Category: Arts & Entertainment

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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