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Put on your running and walking shoes for good causes

| September 8, 2015

COSHOCTON – There are three opportunities this September to participate in local 5K events in Coshocton, all for a good cause.

The second annual I’ve Got Your Six 5K and Memorial Hike to benefit the VALOR Clinic Foundation will be Saturday, Sept. 12 at Lake Park. Race day registration and packet pickup begins at 7 a.m. and the race starts at 9 a.m. Awards will be presented at 10:30 a.m.

“The VALOR Clinic Foundation was established in 2010 to provide support to homeless or struggling veterans and to address the visible and invisible wounds of war,” said Julia Kysela. “All proceeds from this race will be directly donated to them to provide support for the repairs for their SGT Kevin Lannon Veterans Sanctuary in neighboring Fallsburg.”

About 30 people came out for the race last year, but it was in March and the weather was not ideal.

“We hoped by moving it to the fall we would have a better turn out and better weather,” said Kysela. “We were still able to raise just over $1,500.”

This year, racers can register for $25 until Friday, Sept. 11 and the fee will be $30 on race day. If you do not want a t-shirt you can take $5 off the price. Registration and more information can be found at www.ivegotyour6k.org. After the race participants can enjoy traditional post race food such as bagels, bananas, and water and there will be an awards ceremony.

Coshocton County Job and Family Services will be having a Foster Care Fund Run on Saturday, Sept. 19 at Lake Park. Registration begins at 8 a.m. and the race starts at 8:30 a.m. Pre-registration is $25 and registration the day of the race is $30. The first 100 participants will receive a free t-shirt.

This race was first held in 2013 and proceeds from it help with a foster care college fund.

“The funds may be used to help former foster children with incidental costs toward college,” said Mindy Fehrman, director of job and family services. “For example, if they need a gas voucher to come home for Christmas break or supplies for school. Most tuition, board and book costs are covered by colleges who cater to former foster youth.”

There will be awards for winners in each age category/gender. For information on this race, contact Jen Fry at jennifer.fry@jfs.ohio.gov or 740-295-7557.

“Many of us at JFS have started implementing better eating habits and exercise into our daily living habits,” Fehrman said. “We felt this would be a healthy way to raise funds. Some of us want to walk in the 5K for the very first time this year.”

The first McWane Ductile Fun Run will be Sunday, Sept. 27 at Lake Park. Registration is from 7 to 7:45 a.m. and the race begins at 8 a.m. Cost is $20 to pre-register by Sunday, Sept. 20 and $25 from Monday, Sept. 21 through race day. Contact Cathe Chodnoff at 740-291-1007 to pre-register or register at premierraces.com. T-shirts are guaranteed to all who pre-register.

“We wanted to have an event in the community to get everyone out and make people aware of the benefits of walking and running,” said Chodnoff. “We’re hoping to have this every year so that it’s something that people can look forward to and set a goal for next year. Maybe they’ll walk this year, but set a goal to run next year, and that’s something they can train for.”

All proceeds will go to the Salvation Army Food Pantry.

“We wanted to give back to the Coshocton community,” said Chodnoff. “At this time of the year, donations to food pantries are really scarce.”

At the end of the 5K, there will be an awards program with the top male and female awarded in each age group. There will also be healthy snacks and water available.

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