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Quilt show a celebration of quilters’ creations throughout the year

| July 11, 2018

COSHOCTON – People from all over the country and other nations have come to Coshocton County over the years to attend the annual Canal Quilters Quilt Show which produces hundreds of quilts each year, each one beautifully crafted by a member of the quilting guild. This year’s show will be from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Friday, July 13 and Saturday, July 14 at the Coshocton County Career Center. This is the second year the show will be at the career center.

“We really liked the fact that it’s all on one floor,” said Tina Dobson, co-president of the guild. “But probably the number one reason that we are having it at the career center again us that they have air conditioning. It’s also handicapped accessible as well.”

The public is invited to come to the show and browse through the many quilts that will be on display. There will also be demonstrations, quilt vendors from out of town selling quilting accessories, and also a one-woman show section featuring the works of Mitzi Vance. The guild will also have a boutique where items will be for sale and as always, the Veteran Hall of Honor quilts.

“It’s just a celebration of quilters,” said Dobson. “We have around 100 quilt members in the county. It’s a celebration of things that they’ve worked on all year long and carrying on that tradition of quilting.”

Each year, the show features the best quilts made by guild members throughout the year from the last show to this year’s show.

“One year when we were still at the Presbyterian Church, we featured a lot of antique quilts and we had a good showing of what people had done over the years,” said Dobson.

Every year, the guild has a quilt raffle where they raffle off an opportunity quilt. This year, the top pieces for the opportunity quilt have been donated by Susie Stoecker, a former member of the Canal Quilters who moved out of state. Opportunity quilt tickets are six for $5 or $1 each.

“It’s just gorgeous,” said Dobson. “It turned out really nice, and the fact that a former guild member donated it makes it special.”

During the show, they will also have a section displaying items made in various classes taken by the members. There will also be boxed lunches for $6.

“Everyone has their own way of doing it,” said Dobson. “I used to be a florist, so I’ve just always loved putting colors together. Quilting for me is seeing all the beautiful fabrics available and creating something from those fabrics. It’s going on with that creative process and creating something that when I have it done, it’s something special. It’s to keep the creative juices flowing.”

The public is also invited to vote on your favorite quilt for the People’s Choice Award.

“It’s a learning process,” said Dobson. “Some girls think they don’t have anything nice to put in the show, but I tell them, don’t think like that because we all work on different levels. People vote on the quilt they like maybe based on the color or the design. They’re not going to worry about if the stitching is straight. If they’re worried about that, then submit your quilt to be judged at a fair. This is not a contest.”

The show will feature quilts of all shapes and sizes. The event has free parking and everyone is welcome to come, browse the quilts, and vote on your favorite quilt.

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Category: Arts & Entertainment

About the Author ()

I have been employed at the Coshocton County Beacon since September 2009 as a news reporter and assistant graphic artist. I am a 2004 graduate of Newcomerstown High School and a 2008 graduate of Capital University with a bachelor’s degree in Professional Writing. I am married to John Scott and live in Newcomerstown. We have two beautiful daughters, Amelia Grace Scott and Leanna Rose Scott.

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