Quilts made to honor veterans

Dick Scherer smiles while showing off the patriotic quilt he received from a project worked on by the Coshocton Elks Lodge 376 and the Coshocton Canal Quilters. Contributed | Beacon
COSHOCTON – On cold days this winter World War II Veteran Dick Scherer is able to warm up with a patriotic lap quilt he was surprised with during the holidays.
Scherer’s quilt is just one of many that the Coshocton Canal Quilters make each year and are delivered with help from members of Coshocton Elks Lodge 376.
“We heard a knock on the door right before Christmas and they asked if Dick lived there,” said Margie Scherer, Dick’s wife. “The gentleman came in said thank you sir for your serve to our country and saluted him. I sat there and cried.”
Marilyn Griffis is chairman of the Elks Veterans Committee and said they have been doing this since 2006 and have given out more than 200 quilted lap robes.
“We get grant money from the Elks and the quilters make the lap robes and we give them money for supplies,” she said.
Karen Caley, who last year alone made 28 veteran quilts, said this has been a heartwarming project to work on with the Coshocton Canal Quilters.
“I have delivered many quilts to veterans and they are so excited to get them,” she said. “They say why me, what did I do to deserve this, but they also feel blessed and I feel blessed when I deliver. You nearly always get a hug and always get a handshake. Sometimes there are tears shed over the fact that someone took the time to recognize their contribution to our freedom. I gave a quilt to a local guy last year and the woman who made it had her name on the back of it so he sent me and her a thank you card. The gratitude they feel for these is above and beyond just like their service to our country.”
Caley said the Elks gives them a donation of $500 every year that they use for batting and backing for the quilts.
“The ladies in the guild provide the tops and then we have people quilt them,” she said.
The patriotic quilts also are displayed at the Coshocton Canal Quilters annual show in the summer.
“I’ve done this for 10 to 11 years, but I’m turning it over to a couple of vary capable ladies,” Caley said. “The last several years I have enforced that the quilts be red, white, and blue. The ladies choose any pattern they want and we try to keep them a reasonable size. It makes an awesome display and is quite a showstopper.”
Margie was very impressed with the lap quilt her husband received from the group.
“It’s such a thoughtful gift because they take the time to make these and they are so patriotic,” she said.
When selecting veterans to receive the quilts, Griffis said she looks for those who are disabled and World War II, Korean or Vietnam combat veterans.
“They go to the top of the list,” she said.
Anyone who would like to share the name of a veteran they would like to see receive a quilt can call the Elks at 740-622-0794 and leave a message for Griffis.
“A lot of people don’t realize there are a whole bunch of people walking around this community who made it possible for us to be a free country,” Caley said.
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