Raising money for Uncle Jim

Aaron Ward is in Susie Stout’s fourth grade class at Union
Elementary. Stout talked with Aaron Ward, about the book “Lemonade War” by Jaqueline Davies, during the Monday morning announcements. He had his own lemonade stand and raised $300 to help a relative. Photo contributed to The Beacon.
Aaron Ward, age 9, and his neighbor and friend Troy Moran, age 8, held a lemonade and bake sale in Cooperdale on Saturday, Sept. 8 to raise money for Aaron’s Uncle Jim Ashcraft, who was hurt in an oil field accident and is in the Ohio State University Medical Center.
The boys raised $300 selling lemonade, cookies, bread and even some green
peppers. Aaron’s parents are Josh and Kelly Ward. The boys enthusiastically
waved to passersby to get them to stop and help Uncle Jim.
Aaron is in Susie Stout’s fourth grade class at Union Elementary. Stout
talked with Aaron about the book “Lemonade War” by Jaqueline Davies, during
the Monday morning announcements.
The book was being read by the whole school as part of the One Book, One
School program. Each night students and their families read assigned
chapters and they were asked trivia questions about the reading that
involved lemonade stand contests between a brother and a sister. Students
earned a minute of extra recess for each question they got right.
Check out the video at http://www.coshoctonbeacontoday.com/raising-money-for-uncle-jim/
Category: People & Places
So proud of Aaron and Troy! They did a great job. We even had a couple stop by that were from Alabama passing through on their was to millersburg.
Even Aaron's youngest sister was talking about that book today! What a great idea for a school project. BRAVO to Aaron and Troy for this accomplishment! Your families are so proud of you!