Raymond James Financial named winner in scarecrow contest

This year’s scarecrow winning entry by total votes on Facebook, e-mail, voicemail, and in person, was a business participating for the first year in the scarecrow trail. Raymond James Financial was the 2018 overall winning entry with their “Darth Vader and Obi-wan-CROW-nobi.” Josie Sellers | Beacon
COSHOCTON – Clary Gardens is pleased to announce the winner of the third annual scarecrow trail and contest.
“Our community has definitely stepped it up a notch,” said Jandi Adams, director of the gardens. “Some of the scarecrows, like the Leadership Coshocton County entry, give trail visitors a chance to get a ‘photo-op with the King of Pop’ where gloves, wigs and hats are available to get a selfie with Michael Jackson. We have a Garden Yogi promoting home yoga practice, with the scarecrow twisted into ‘Crow-pose.’ 2018 even brought scarecrows that sing to you. The Coshocton Junior Woman’s Club created a Mary Poppins scarecrow that sings the iconic theme songs to you when you walk up to it. It’s quite amazing actually.”
Several repeat themes with new twists occurred and many groups had additional entries from last year’s competition. In 2016, a giant “Raven” from Raven’s Glenn Winery was the overall winner. “Wild Thing” debuted in 2017 featuring a Cleveland Indians baseball player by Century National Bank to claim the overall win.
This year’s scarecrow winning entry by total votes on Facebook, e-mail, voicemail, and in person, was a business participating for the first year in the scarecrow trail. Raymond James Financial was the 2018 overall winning entry with their “Darth Vader and Obi-wan-CROW-nobi.” This scarecrow entry featured a large ominous Star Wars villain with extra light sabers for visitor fun. It encouraged trail-seekers to dress in the main character’s robe and adorn the famous light-saber for a themed picture.
“We are so excited to be recognized with this award,” said Shane and Angie Pyle. “Clary Gardens is a real treasure within our community and we enjoyed being part of this event as much as we enjoy just walking around the beautiful natural surroundings of the gardens. May the Force continue to be strong with Clary Gardens. We would like to thank everyone who voted for us.”
Clary Gardens is pleased to bring this free family-fun event to Coshocton each October. More than 45 scarecrows are located throughout the hillside walking trail. Scarecrows will continue to be up for public viewing through Oct. 31.
Clary Gardens is a 20-acre botanical garden, open to the public at no cost, seven days a week, during daylight hours.
Category: Arts & Entertainment