Relive high school memories at Main Street Cruz

| June 18, 2013

COSHOCTON – Remember the days when you would get together with your friends on a Saturday night and go cruising down Main Street? You can relive those days on Saturday, June 22 during the second annual Main Street Cruz from 4 p.m. – midnight.

Holly Harrah, event organizer, remembers when there was so much traffic on Main Street on a Saturday night and it was a social event for area high school students.

“That’s where you saw all your friends, who was driving what, and who was dating who,” said Harrah.

Harrah came up with the idea of having a Main Street Cruz one night last year while driving home from her daughter’s house and listening to 70s music on the radio. As soon as she returned home, Harrah jumped on Facebook and asked her girlfriends if they would like to be involved. Everyone jumped at the idea and a date was set. Last year’s event was so successful with approximately 300 people participating, that Harrah decided to have it again this year.

“The main purpose is to kind of relive high school memories of cruising Main Street,” said Harrah. “It’s like a big class reunion for everybody. The best thing ever to do was cruise Main Street.”

In addition to cruising Main Street, Harrah decided to make the event a fundraiser for two local food pantries, New Life Ministries and Shepherd Christian Assembly. There is a rivalry between the three school systems to see who can collect the most canned foods. River View was the reigning champion last year. Harrah is encouraging all local high school boosters to come and sell items to help their school.

In addition to the cruise and the canned food drive, Main Street Cruz will feature face painting, balloons in all school district’s colors, Pit Stop Creamery from Newcomerstown, and other vendors. A donation is asked for the face painting and the balloons.

“We just encourage people to come, bring chairs, sit on the courthouse lawn, and play games,” said Harrah. “We want to make it a family event and we’re hoping to build on it and have it get bigger every year.”

Other events include a 50/50 drawing and WTNS will be playing 70s music all night, so be sure to call in with your requests.

For those who don’t want to cruise but still want to show off their cars, Fourth Street will be closed for those who want to park their custom cars and show off a little.

“We had a lot of custom-made cars last year,” said Harrah. “But you don’t have to have a custom car, just come and have fun.”

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Category: Arts & Entertainment, People & Places

About the Author ()

I have been employed at the Coshocton County Beacon since September 2009 as a news reporter and assistant graphic artist. I am a 2004 graduate of Newcomerstown High School and a 2008 graduate of Capital University with a bachelor’s degree in Professional Writing. I am married to John Scott and live in Newcomerstown. We have two beautiful daughters, Amelia Grace Scott and Leanna Rose Scott.

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